David’s Slide Show Russell’s Slide Show
The British Motoring Club was invited to display cars in Cloverdale Park in conjunction with the Old Cloverdale Association’s Tour of Homes April 9, 2011. (Old Cloverdale is an early twentieth century historic neighborhood in mid-town Montgomery.) Since three of our members live in or around the neighborhood, we knew we’d have at least three cars (even if I had to push Iris), so we agreed.
As the date grew closer it was har
d to get commitments (it seems Spring is somehow jammed with lots of other events, sports, whatnot.) Me and Dave Price continued to fill members email inboxes with reminders.(read that as “begs”) to bring cars.

Lo and behold, on Saturday morning about 24 cars arrived at the park! Marques represented were Rolls Royce, Bentley, Triumph, Jaguar, Healey Bugeye Sprite, Minis (old and new) and MG’s ranging from a 1948 TC, Midgets, A’s, and B’s. Of course, everyone was impressed with the big saloons – and even a London taxi.

Participants were provided passes to attend the tour of homes and it was a good opportunity to enjoy some Spring weather and show of some British iron in a very nice setting. It warmed to 90 degrees, but there was plenty of shade to be had. Longtime members Jeff Jeffries and Bernie Lanigan came out to see the cars and enjoy some fellowship. We also gained a new member Donnie Robinson and his lovely 1973 limeflower MGB. Welcome!
As the event wound down around 3:00 pm, participants were invited to swing by Chloe’s and my house for a snack and beverage (or three.) It was a really great sight (and sound) to see so many British cars caravanning down my street. Thank you so much to all who participated. It was great exposure for our Club and a good time was had by all. (Please mark your calendars for our show October 1, 2011.)
From the oldest – 1926 Rolls Royce, 1949 MGTC to the Newest – 2010 MINI, there were various styles and colors of British cars to be seen
David’s Slideshow
Russell’s Slideshow