One of the benefits of membership in The British Motoring Club of Montgomery, is having access to past issues of the newsletters. Links to the digital copies are in the tables below. Members are encouraged to contribute by writing articles about their experiences owning, restoring, driving, and repairing British cars. Club officers also add monthly commentary on the activities and changes taking place within the club’s membership.
After 27 years, our Brits N’ Pieces newsletter is no more. The membership decided that it was mostly redundant as most items of interest were already on the Webpages. The rest would be handled through group e-mails. Henceforth, the meeting minutes that were always a staple in the newsletter will be posted HERE. Aside from having an official record of our meetings, it served as a chronicle of the club’s activities and endeavors. So, until or unless someone steps up to resurrect the newsletter, this will be the new home for the minutes.
2019- Volume 28
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2018- Volume 27
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2017- Volume 26
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2016 – Volume 25
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2015 – Volume 24
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2014 – Volume 23
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2013 – Volume 22
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2012 – Volume 21
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2011 – Volume 20
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2010 – Volume 19
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2009 – Volume 18
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2008 – Volume 17
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2007 – Volume 16
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
Bonus Pages for January 1 & 2 and March 1 & 2
2006 – Volume 15
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
Bonus Pages for October and November
2005 – Volume 14
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2004 – Volume 13
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2003 – Volume 12
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2002 – Volume 11
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2001 – Volume 10
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
2000 – Volume 9
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
1999 – Volume 8
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
1998 – Volume 7
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
1997 – Volume 6
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
1996 – Volume 5
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
1995 – Volume 4
January | February | March | April |
May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December |
Our current editor, Dan Byrne, assumed the editorship with the March 2019 issue.
Beginning with the Volume 25, the January 2016 issue of Brits ‘n Pieces and ending with the December 2018 issue, Tom Miro sat at the modern-day equivalent of the editor’s desk. Tom created a MS WORD newsletter template and picked up from Roland and Doris without skipping a beat. Thanks to Tom for three great years of Brits ‘N Pieces.
A little background: Each month for thirteen years, Roland and Doris Townley, editors of BMC Montgomery’s newsletter since 2003, collected essays, articles of interest and event information from club members and other sources to populate the pages of “BRITS ‘N PIECES.”
With the December 2015 issue, Doris & Roland Townley edited their last newsletter. Here is Terry’s tribute to express our appreciation:
It is with great pride that we celebrate Doris and Roland Townley’s 13 years of publishing our monthly – I repeat – Monthly – British Motoring Club of Montgomery “Brits and Pieces” Newsletter. I know all who have read “Brits and Pieces” thoroughly enjoyed the content and the quality of the articles within. Further, many motoring clubs are envious and have remarked through the years wishing “Brits and Pieces” was theirs!
Those of us who have contributed articles are grateful of Doris and Roland’s editorial scrutiny and appreciative of their attention to the finer details of creating essentially a monthly work of art.
Their legacy as “Brits and Pieces” editors will live on as part of the British Motoring Club of Montgomery.
I believe I speak for all BMCM members when I say.
“Well done and thank you very much!”
Terry Young
The first issue was edited by Brian Clayton in the spring of 1992 — just a couple of months after the initial meeting of like-minded British car owners. Subsequent editors were: Pam Bransford, Kathy Brickett, & Leah Enge Bretsen through mid-1994; Jeff Jeffries through 1998; Pat Shubird through 1999; and Raymond Cooper through 2002.
The most recent links below are for the digital issues that began in mid-2003. The earlier issues were scanned from the surviving hard copies. Grayed out months indicate missing issue or no issue sent that month. If you have any of the missing issues, please contact us so we’ll have a complete set.