24 Hours of LeMons Comes to Barber Motor Sports Feb. 1st and 2nd, 2014
Chances are at some point in your life, you have heard of the “24 Hours of Le Mans” — an automobile endurance race lasting 24 hours. But the “24 Hours of LeMons” is a quite different event. Perhaps their web site says it best – 24 Hours of Lemons. Endurance racing for $500 cars. It’s not just an oxymoron; it’s a breeding ground for morons.
You can see/read much more at www.24hoursoflemons.com. It’s cool, silly, inventive, remarkable – and yes, tongue-in-cheek fun for the whole family. The cars may be funny – and the team names may be even funnier. Alabama is very fortunate that this event is coming to our own Barber Motorsports Park on February 1st and 2nd of 2014 – put it on your calendar! Help support the event, so this event and more like it will come – and see how cool and fun we are down here in Alabama!
Send us your e-mail address and we will keep you updated on the 24 Hours of LeMons news, and put together some trip information as it grows nearer. Hell, we may even get a party bus to port Montgomerians back and forth!
Check out this video. It’s about 20 minutes but it’s over before you know it and answers a lot of questions that we have or would ask. It also suggest that a person might rent/buy a seat on a team for their first driving experience. It’s a good fun video. Blitz[vfb id=1]
Here are Jon Maldonado’s photos of the day’s events: