Saturday, February 16, was make-up time for our tornado-thwarted January run. We met at the Burger King under skies still cloudy from the overnight rain that washed off the route for us. This was the best turn out in recent memory. There were twelve cars
queued up for the caravan plus two who met us at our destination. We had five MINIs (thanks to a nice delegation of the River Region MINIs), an MGA, MBGT, Spitfire, Jaguar, Honda, Lexus, Miata, BMW, and a pick-up truck. By the time we turned onto Rifle Range Road, the clouds had begun to break, revealing blue sky and crisp shadows. Roadside buds and blossoms were abundant as the plant life wakes from its winter
slumber. Our route took us over twisty and hilly roads sprinkled with enough stops and turns to hear those little engines run up through the gears. We had an “escort” around the dam area to keep things safe on our way up. Hank joined us at Red Hill and phoned ahead to Niffer’s with a head-count. Twenty-two hungry souls filled the width of the restaurant. I think we pretty much sampled everything on the menu. After lunch we each picked our own route back home in low-70 degree, top-down comfort.