2017 Visit to Lee & Mary Anne’s Shop

If you’ve ever been, the title says it all. Yes, another visit to Lee & Mary’s shop. The weather was great for a 95 mile ride, however the top stayed up on the MGA. Others had theirs down.

We met at the closed Iberia Bank on Taylor Road. Just as we were ready to depart a rare phenomena occurred. An MG wouldn’t start! As rare as that may be, it does occur. The decision was made to push it off. There we hit a snag. First push – nothing. Maybe a burble or two. So a longer & faster push ensued. The car started and some clumsy old man lost his balance and tore up the asphalt. Ok, it was me. I was glad to see more folks coming to my aid than to that of the MG!  Once the knots, bleeding, & road rash was sorted , we could be on our way.

It didn’t seem like 95 miles as Russell led the way. Soon we were there and joined a few members of a Corvair club & VW club in scouring the boneyards. Here you can find several MGBs and MGBGTs in a row. At the end are VW buses of various years. Nearer the shop is the good stuff. Mustangs, BMW, Corvairs, and several ongoing projects. It’s a blast to kick a few tires and wonder what if.

One highlight of this annual visit is the food. Once again Lee & Mary fed us BBQ with all the fixins along with her homemade desserts. Cokes, water, or English beer? The choice is yours. This is a time of story telling and questions and answer sessions. A stroll through the paint booth and several shop areas will always spark a story from our hosts. Part of the fun is guessing what those odd homemade looking tools are for.

All good things come to an end – early it seems – and this one did as well. We back tracked back to the Gump with several taking different routes as we neared the city. For the group I stayed with it meant the back roads leading to Pike Road and then home.

Lee & Mary’s – that’s all ya got to say.
